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Dr. E

45 Day Challenge

April 22, 2022

With spring in full effect and summer right around the corner, now is the perfect time to think about a 45-day Spring into Fitness Challenge! And what better day to start - than Earth Day!

Did you know that of all the things we do to combat climate change - choosing public transportation over single-occupancy vehicles is one of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

And thanks to some helpful fitness tips - riding public transportation is not only good for the planet. Your time spent commuting can benefit you too! 

These exercises are designed to help mobilize and strengthen your body at the same time. You can do these exercises on a bus or train, while reading a book, talking to your seatmate, or even closing your eyes and meditating!

  1. Get off one subway or bus stop early and walk the extra distance.

  2. Whenever you see stairs, make it a habit to take two at a time — you’ll feel it in your glutes, hip flexor, and hamstrings. 

  3. Do not sit down on your way to work (let the older people sit) and rotate standing on one leg for 30 seconds at a time — then switching legs — for a balancing challenge which will also strengthen your core. To make it a less obvious to other riders, keep the floating foot only a few inches (centimeters) off the floor while holding your body nice and straight (as if you were standing on both feet). 

  4. Score a seat? Give your calf muscles a work out by raising your legs up on the very tips of your toes while remaining seated until you start to feel the burn (then do a few extra). Take a break and repeat. 

  5. Contract your stomach muscles for 30 seconds and relax for 30 seconds.

Best part? Nobody will even know you are exercising, so you don't have to worry about the entire bus or train looking at you as if you just came from a different planet!

Keep it here for more helpful tips from SEPTA Medical Director Dr. E [aka Dr. Jeffrey Erinoff]!!