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Market-Frankford Line

An Internship With ISEPTAPHILLY

August 17, 2018

Coming into SEPTA, I truthfully had no idea how the system operated. I knew there were multiple routes for multiple modes of transit, but to where? What’s the difference between the  blue line and the orange line? Is the blue line really the same as the El? Why are there trolleys underground? How do you know when you’ve reached your stop on the bus? How do I know which train station to get off at?

As my internship comes to a close, I can happily say that these questions have been answered and more. SEPTA has taught me a lot about Philadelphia, the great people that live here, and the ways in which they navigate this beautiful city.

For three months, as a marketing intern, I was able to explore the depths of Philadelphia, and how SEPTA and ISEPTAPHILLY.COM bring riders from all walks of life together. I got to venture throughout the city, photographing anything and everything SEPTA.From the ice cream contest to the route of the week, I was able to capture all aspects of SEPTA and the amazing people that ride.

I attended and worked events, engaged with riders on a daily basis on social media and face to face, rode virtually every mode of SEPTA, and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I was able to see firsthand the passion from not only the people here at SEPTA, but the people who ride with us each and every day. Thank you to everyone at SEPTA who made my internship warm and exciting, and to everyone who rides here in this amazing city. Here’s to more summers with ISEPTAPHILLY!